2025 Classes

WINTER/SPRING SESSION: : January – April 2025


Jan 23 – 25  Introduction to Paint Mixing & Pigments (3 days)

Feb 8 – April 12  The Bridegroom  (Weekly, 10 Weeks)


Jan 24 & 25  Pigment Study (2 days)

Jan 17 – April 11  Lamentation (Weekly, 12 Weeks)

Jan 21 – April 22  Independent Study with Critiques (Weekly, 14 Weeks)

SUMMER/FALL SESSION: July – October 2025


July 10 – 12  Introduction to Paint Mixing & Pigments (3 days)

Aug 2 – Oct 11  Archangel Michael, Warrior (Weekly, 10 Weeks)


July 11 & 12   Pigment Study (2 days)

July 18 – Oct 28   Archangel Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host (Weekly, 12 Weeks)

July 22 – Oct 28    Independent Study with Critiques (Weekly, 13 Weeks)

All classes are Central Time Zone and taught live via Zoom. The class sessions are all recorded, and after each session the students are emailed a link to the Zoom recording of that session. The links remain active for 3 months after the final date of the each class. Critique classes and Independent Study classes are not recorded. All classes and instructional materials (both digital and print) are for each student’s personal use, not to be shared or distributed without advance permission.

Beginners Classes

Introduction to Icon Painting in Egg Tempera

PAINT MIXING AND PIGMENTS  (3 days, 10 am – Noon and 1 pm – 3 pm)

For those who have never painted icons in the Prosopon style, this class is a prerequisite for all other classes.  This class introduces students to the basics of iconography, with a focus on paint mixing and pigments. Students must provide their own pigments; basic and standard sets are available for purchase. Other workshop supplies are included in the cost of the workshop, including claybords, brushes, a palette, instructional texts and color reference worksheets. Cost is $295. REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)

BEGINNERS PROJECT CLASSES (10 Saturdays, 10 am – Noon and 1 pm – 3 pm)

Prerequisite: Paint Mixing and Pigments. These classes introduce the basics of iconography and end with the completion of a 6″ X 8″ icon. They guide students through each step of the icon painting process in the Prosopon style and help students develop the skill of handling egg tempera. Students must provide their own pigments; basic and standard sets are available for purchase. Icon boards are included in the cost of the class. First-time students must also buy a basic supply kit ($65) that contains brushes and other specialized supplies used in the class. Optional Tuesday critique classes are included. Cost is $495. REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)

Intermediate Classes

PIGMENT STUDY (2 days, 1 pm – 3 pm)

Students already familiar with paint mixing may join part of the beginner class for study of pigments. Instructional texts and color reference worksheets are included. Cost is $100. REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)

INDEPENDANT STUDY (Tuesdays, 2 pm or 7 pm)

Open to students who have previously studied with the Prosopon School of Iconology or with Faye Drobnic. (You should have a basic understanding of the Prosopon techniques of roskrish, highlights and floats, and you should be able to mix your own paint.) The purpose of the class is to encourage students’ independent work, using skills learned in previous classes. This is an opportunity to work independently on projects of your choice with the support and guidance from a teacher and to master techniques you have previously learned in project classes and workshops. The goal is to finish your unfinished projects or to work on new projects of your choice with the assistance of tutorial packets or other instructional material. You will set your own goal at the beginning of the class as to what work you want to accomplish over the summer. Weekly meetings will help you to stay on track! Cost is $160 for 14 weeks. REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)


Open to students who are capable of mixing their own paint and who have taken at least one Prosopon workshop or beginning class. Students are emailed instructions and step pictures the day before class. The classes are a combination of detailed instructions and explanations, screen-sharing of step photos, and web camera demonstrations of the process. Students may begin painting during the class and complete the work on their own. The classes are recorded and shared with students for follow-up. Each project is an 11-Week series. Students provide their own supplies; boards are available for purchase from the studio. Optional Tuesday critique classes are included. Cost is $450, payable upon registration, which includes both Friday afternoon instruction and Tuesday critique classes.

Lamentation/Grieving Mother & Man of Sorrows — REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)

Saint Michael The Archangel Prince of the Heavenly Host — REGISTRATION INFORMATION (pdf)


GrIEving mother & Man of Sorrows

Jan. 17—April 11, 2025

Friday Afternoons

Saint Michael The Archangel

Prince of the Heavenly Host 

July 18 - Oct 28, 2025

Friday Afternoons

All Levels Critique Classes


Open to all levels of students who are painting independently at home, whether working on class projects, painting from tutorial packets, or undertaking new work. Students email high-resolution photos of individual icons on Monday, and on Tuesday we critique each icon, pointing out both the good points and the weakness and giving detailed directions on how to proceed with the next step of the work.

All students enrolled in project classes (beginning or intermediate) are also automatically enrolled in critique classes. Students who wish to take critique classes alone should register via independent study classes. MORE INFORMATION (pdf)

Previous Intermediate Project Classes


Feb. 2 – April 26, 2024

July 14- Sept. 28, 2023

Jan. 27- April 28, 2023

Feb. 11 – April 29, 2022

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Oct. 1 – Dec. 17, 2021

Salus Populi Romani

April 30 – July 23, 2021

St. Joseph & Christ Emmanuel

Jan. 8 – March 19, 2021

St. Anne & the Theotokos

Sept. 11 – Nov. 27, 2020

St. Thomas Aquinas

July 17 – Sept. 4, 2020

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